Biscult follows the classic Barbarian character archetype, where you dump all your stats in Strength and none in Wisdom and Intelligence. Because of this, Biscult might be one of the clumsiest and most adorable Aeons from all of the 88th. There is always something happening with or to her, and she always finds a way to grasp everyone's attention! She might be a little aloof, but nothing can beat Biscult joyful and positive attitude. She is extremely reliable and always there for others, like her best friends Mamsa and Areka. She is the lucky one who stumbled upon Zeus in his blue glowing form and brought him back to Mamsa so that she could study him. Everyone needs someone like Biscult in their life (for many reasons)!

Mamsa can be seen as a synonym for “best computer in the world”, because of her impressive ability to keep track of a large database of the underworld. Her intelligence is unmatched against other Aeons and this is why she is seen as a resource by many. Like a computer, Mamsa is a cool headed Aeon and takes everything seriously as if it is always a problem that needs to be resolved. Often considered one of the most methodical Aeons, she joins Biscult and Areka to search for the son of prophecy and bring back balance. Although she may seem very cold and logical, she has a kinky side that is well known by others and she loves to explore lewd stuff on her own, as well as with the son of prophecy.

This may be surprising but even divine beings like Aeons and goddesses enjoy streaming! Offee is considered one of the most popular live-streamers on the “go to” platform PT. Most of her content is oriented toward sharing her daily life and talking to her fans. Offee also really enjoys talking about herself in a third person manner, since it makes her feel cute and more connected to her audience. For all these reasons she is extremely popular and well recognized on the streets. Strangely enough, during her time in the academy of divines she was not well seen by others because of how she acted. Today, she is still true to herself and this is one of the reasons why she is so unique and loved by her fans.

Olympus features 12 main gods that act as the ultimate authority amongst the population. Apollo is one of the special 12 that are direct descendants of Zeus. She is a deity of light and arts, which is easily seen by the noble and confident way that she acts. That being said, behind her beautiful appearance that takes everyone's attention, hides one of the most deadly and powerful Aeons known to Olympus. Not only is she extremely agile on the battlefield, she can be quite cunning outside of it, making her a mighty foe. It’s quite rare to see a sight of her in public, but from time to time if you are lucky enough, you may get to see her flying around Olympus. Apollo's main flaw is her obsession about lineage, which makes her act a little arrogant at times. For this reason she doesn’t have many friends and rather stays by herself with her family.

Apollo is not the only one that got blessed by her lineage. Athena is also another Aeon that is a direct descendant from Zeus. This makes her one of the most powerful beings, and even amongst the 12th main goddesses she is seen as one of the strongest. Nevertheless, Athena is dedicated to her training and you will find her everyday on the training ground refining her knowledge on combat. This makes her not only scary strong, but also resilient and dedicated, which may be why she was part of every war that has ever happened. She is considered the symbol of hope and the ultimate guide for the son of prophecy! Outside of battle her favorite activity is to spend time with Apollo who she considers one of her dearest friends.